Chapter Index

× Proem 1. Which Tells When the Fleet Sailed, and of the Officers and People Who Went with It 2. How the Governor Came to the Port of Xagua and Brought a Pilot with Him 3. How We Arrived in Florida 4. How We Entered the Land 5. How the Governor Left the Ships 6. How We Entered Apalachee 7. What the Land is Like 8. How We Left Aute 9. How We Left the Bay of Horses 10. Of Our Skirmish with the Indians 11. What Happened to Lope de Oviedo with Some Indians 12. How the Indians Brought Us Food 13. How We Found Out about Other Christians 14. How Four Christians Departed 15. What Happened to Us in the Village of Misfortune 16. How Some Christians Left the Isle of Misfortune 17. How the Indians Came and Brought Andrés Dorantes and Castillo and Estebanico 18. How He Told Esquivel's Story 19. How the Indians Left Us 20. How We Escaped 21. How We Cured Some Sick People 22. How They Brought Other Sick People to Us the Following Day 23. How We Left after Having Eaten the Dogs 24. About the Customs of the Indians of That Land 25. How the Indians Are Skilled with a Weapon 26. About the Peoples and Languages 27. How We Moved On and Were Welcomed 28. About Another New Custom 29. How They Stole from One Another 30. How the Custom of Welcoming Us Changed 31. How We Followed the Corn Route 32. How They Gave Us Deer Hearts 33. How We Saw Traces of Christians 34. How I Sent for the Christians 35. How the Mayor Received Us Well the Night We Arrived 36. How We Had Them Build Churches in That Land 37. What Happened When I Wanted to Leave 38. What Happened to the Others Who Went to the Indies
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In Spanish and Tzotzil Issued in box 17 x 16 x 4 cm, book has sculptured face on cover. 167 pages : illustrations (some foldout, some color) ; 15 cm + 1 audio disc (61 mins ; digital, 4 3/4 in.) Para convocar a los muertos -- En Bolom Chon -- Un brindis -- Para Evodio -- La muerte de Mario -- La borrachera de la mujer del alférez -- Canto de la mujer borracha -- Anuncio de la fiesta -- Para que la lagartija no coma el frijol -- Para que el murciélago no muerda al borrego -- Contra el arco iris -- Para que no venga el ejército -- Para no tener que robar -- Antsun ti antsun -- Para curar potslom -- Bolom Chon -- La pedida de mano -- Para que el perro no ladre al novio -- Para matar al hombre infiel -- Macho vinik -- Bikitik manvel -- Bolom Chon -- Radio comunidad indígena -- Conjuro para vender pexi cola -- Gracias por darme un hijo -- En el vientre de mi madre sueño conjuros -- Aprendiendo a canta el Bolom Chon -- Canto de la pastorcita -- Soy mujer mi mujer -- La niña tejedora -- Antsot ti antsot.

Texas State University