Harris Hall

Harris Hall opened in the summer of 1937 as a male dormitory and was constructed to accommodate 170 individuals. The first male residence hall on Southwest Texas State Teachers College’s campus, Harris Hall was built under the National Youth Administration work program, which was designed to provide employment for young Americans during the Great Depression. The dormitory was named after T.G. Harris, former president of the Southwest Texas State Normal School (1903–11).

In its early years, the dormitory's male residents hosted a number of dances and even had a victorious touch football team. With the advent of World War II, Harris Hall transformed into military barracks, correlating with the college's operation as an Air Force Training Center. The building underwent numerous changes in the years following the war, including the 1958 renovation of its ballroom intended to provide more rooms for students. Harris Hall was demolished in 1987 to provide space for the Albert B. Alkek Library.