
The Burnet County town of Bertram was laid out along the Austin and Northwestern rail line in 1882. Construction of SH 29, which parallels the line, provides access to Burnet on the west and Georgetown, via Liberty Hill, on the east. Bertram has remained a small agricultural community, albeit with some light manufacturing, and has experienced some additional growth in recent years. Tragically, though, straight-line winds hit the historic commercial area on March 22, 2021, destroying several buildings dating to the turn of the last century that defined the historic charm of the town. Bertram will thus have to reimagine its public “face” to travelers along the primary route. It will be interesting to watch the transformation. Photos in this collection show the recent devastation but also speak to the theme, Bertram Strong.

March 28, 2021

Bertram, Burnet County, Texas

Established in 1882

Population in 2000 was 1,122