
Back before the pandemic, one of my favorite ways to unwind was to drive over to Taylor (16 miles) and first have a cup of coffee at Curbside Coffee on Hwy. 79 business in a historic building downtown. Curbside was a leisurely place to people watch. Afterward, I would head over to the library to catch up on some reading, either a book or back issues of magazines. On one occasion I took a detour through the alley behind Curbside and found some unexpected artwork that I photographed. These photos are just the beginning of what I hope will be a broader study of alleys in Taylor. I haven’t been to Curbside since March of 2020.

February 14, 2021

Taylor, Williamson County, Texas

Established in 1876

Population in 1878 was 1,000; population in 2000 was 13,575